David Edelen
"Prattville Dragoons"
Fri Jul 6 00:39:53 2001

Hello Y'all,
According to Grey's "History of Autauga County", the "Prattville Dragoons" started off with Black uniforms with gold embroidery, etc.. I was wondering if one of these uniforms has ever been seen or found. And I wonder what sort of uniform they wore when they were finally issued stuff by the C.S. govt. According to the "Military Company of Historians", the C.S. government arsenals and facturies turned out a lot more uniforms than at first believed, and that the average C.S. soldier was better uniformed than people think(If you look at most photos of dead Confederates, they look pretty well uniformed to me). I bet there is one out there someone worn by a member of the "Prattville Dragoons" stuffed away in someone's attic or something. Also, I know someone who dug up the remains of a Mr. DeJarnett in the old DeJarnette Family Cemetary outside of Prattville years ago when he was a kid. I heard that he and his cohort took a Confederate uniform from what was left of the skeleton and coffin. After I heard of it, I went and asked him about it. He told me that he had indeed done that when he was a young teenager. I asked him what the uniform looked like, and explained to him that I thought that Mr. DeJarnett had served in the "Prattville Dragoons". And that I was a reenactor and many reenactors say there was no trim on uniforms, especially cavalry. He said all they got was an old frayed grey coat or jacket, and that it had some yellow trim on it. Of course I asked him where it is, and he said that it was at his uncle's house in Florida in a glass case.
Take care,