Henry Seale
U of A Cadet Uniform
Wed Jul 11 01:03:40 2001

Hayes, Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I had to run up to Iowa on a little business Saturday and just now returned home. I saw the jacket on display about a year and a half ago at the University Campus at Tuscaloosa. I cannot remember the name of the building, but it is where they keep census records and other old documents stored. It is in a building facing a street that runs perpendicular to University Blvd. It is not in the main library building. I remember it was on the second floor of this building. I know this is very vauge, but it is the best my memory can do. I am sure that this building is the only one that is a depository for old records there. I am sure that if you inquired at the University someone could direct you to this building. I am sure I could drive right to it, but cannot recall the proper name of the building. I located documentation about the burning of the University and the Cadet Corps' roll in attempting to defend the city and campus and also an eyewittness day to day account of the Vicksburg Siege as well as some census records that I had them copy for me that they had on file.