Others in this unit:
Dellinger, Augustine
Co F Private Private
Dellinger, Simon
Unknown Private
Dellinger, William
Co F Private Private
Dellinger, William L.
Co F Private Private
136th Regiment Virginia Militia [Shenandoah County]
Sibert, James H., Col., 1861-1862
This regiment was called out by the Governor's proclamation of July 13, 1861, and ordered to rendezvous at Strasburg. Companies A and H ar found to have served from July 1861 to September 9, 1861, when discharged. The regiment was again called out by Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, October 21, 1861, and under this call, Companies A and H are found to have been mustered in for six months from November, 1861, and discharged in the spring of 1862. Rolls show this organization was designated in the field as the 3rd Regiment, 7th Brigade, Virginia Militia.
Co F = Capt. Levi Dodson's Co; served from July 19, 1861 to September 9, 1861; enlisted November 4, 1861 for six months.