J Achilles Southworth M
Born: 1806 Caroline, Virginia
Died: Jun 1874 Caroline, Virginia
Marriage: 23 Jul 1836
Exony Record
Born: 1818 in Tennessee
Died: 1850 Franklin, Franklin, Missouri
Marriage: 13 Jun 1851
Spouse 2
Katherine B Lemons
Born: 1830 in Tennessee
Spouse 3
Catherine M Seal
Born: abt 1814 in Caroline,Virginia
Died: 1872 in Caroline,Virginia
Children Sex Birth
Ira Southworth M 1832 in Caroline, Virginia
Margaret Southworth F abt 1834
James Woodrow Southworth M abt 1837 in Caroline,Virginia
Esther Southworth F abt 1837
Joseph Southworth M abt 1839 in Caroline,Virginia
Martha Southworth F 1839 in Caroline, Virginia
Isabella Southworth F abt 1841 in Caroline,Virginia
Hugh Southworth M abt 1844
Sabernia Southworth F abt 1845
Julia Franklin Southworth F abt 1849 in Caroline, Virginia
Unnamed Infant Southworth F 18 Oct 1855 in Caroline, Virginia
Other Children Sex Birth
Selena Southworth F 1832
Daniel Boone Southworth M 1834
Clinton Southworth M 1836
Charles Southworth M 1837
Harrison Southworth M 1840
Susan Southworth F 1844
Annie Southworth F 1846
William H Southworth M 1812 in Virginia m. Henrietta unk.
Remember, this information is cobbled together from other information on the internet and there is no quarantee to the accuracy thereof.