Pat, I have been away from the message board for quite a while, but my research for the 42nd Mississippi never ends and I am diligently looking for any information about the Regiment whatsoever, as Don Ernsberger on this thread can attest to, him and I have spoken and met several times and are in communications with many families within the 42nd Miss, trying to detail as much of the unit we can in honor of the men who served so bravely for them. I would be very interested in any information that you may have to share, and still to this date I have only one photo of a man in uniform, but I need to see more to be conclusive about what they wore, what they were issued, etc. If you would like to see more about the 42nd Mississippi research that I have been doing, you can check out my website I can be reached at or
Again, my research is to tell the story of the men of the 42nd Mississippi, that has not fully been told from its inception to their surrender at Appomattox C.H. It was a very storied journey for the regiment that saw every major confrontation on the East from Gettysburg to Hatcher's Run, and it must be brought to light so that it is not lost in the generations of our future.
Thank you in advance for any help you and others can provide!
Sincerely, Todd Wiley