I also live about 25 minutes of Hanover which is south of me. Hanover of course is where J.E.B. Stewart's calvary met and battled George Custer's Calvary the days just prior to Gettysburg and there is some monuments and markings in the town there which I could make a trip to snap some shots of as well as some point. It is never a inconvenience to drag my wife along and go see historical landmarks and towns...although she rolls her eyes at times, she does love to go along and have a day out exploring!..lol
Cashtown is just 10 minutes north of Gettysburg and the famous Cashtown Inn is located there. Generals Heth, Imboden, Pettigrew, and A.P. Hill stayed just before that march into Gettysburg for the alledged shoes on that deadly first day, July 1, 1863. Chambersburg is just another 10 or 15 minutes north of Cashtown and there is some information in that area as well. Just south is Frederick and sometime this Summer I may be there as well (my wife taking me there for shopping and such..lol). There were other small battles along that corridor between Chambersburg and Harrisburg and I will try to get some shots of those areas as I pass through them.
Like I said, give me a shout by email and Ill gladly help you and we can exchange contact information more securely.
Todd Wiley
Living Historian/Reenactor
42nd Mississippi Co. I