Most graves there are unmarked less those that had stones placed later. In recent years the number of markers has significantly increased. Each respective "row" has a leading small square granite post row marker indicating section and which numbered graves start and end in that given row. Remember that the graves there were mostly dug and interred in a zig-zag fashion... Meaning graves dug Left to Right starting back near where the fence now is... till that row space was full.... step back... starting a new row going back Right to Left.... The Markers arent on each end of a row, just at the starting side... So if you see two row makers on one side.. there is actually another row of graves inbetween them.. that started from the other side...
Most times especially in that area you cant use the existing newer placed grave stones as a reference guide, since many didnt understand the layout and placements, so many stones ended up being installed over the many decades semi haphazardly guessing.. rather than measuring and stepping it out to determine where the respective individual grave should be. Use the end row markers instead as a guide.
Decades ago I did a lot of volunteer preservation and repair work on many of the older broken/damaged soldiers stones in there. I also repaired and restored the large bronze Gettysburg oblisk at the circle at the back end of the confederate soldiers section. Spent a lot of time researching and exploring in there. Good luck..