Most of the "river counties" in Missouri from pre-statehood (1820) to almost 1900 were populated with Southerners. Clay, Ray (next door to Clay to the East) and Lafayette (on the south side of the MO river) were populated by people from VA, KY, TN. These areas, as well as the other river counties, were where the "cash crop" farms and plantation growing some tobacco, and a great deal of hemp were located. It provided easy access to the riverboat traffic from the MO river into the MS. After the "Panic of 1872" and the collapse of the pre-war economy, many former soldiers and others from the war torn South moved West for a new start. As I have combed the MO death records for Clay and Clinton Counties, a majority of the birthplaces given for the deceased are states in the Upper South Also...
In the pre-war months (1860-61)the NW counties of MO, Jackson, Clay, Ray, Clinton, etc. were great recruitment grounds for Gen. Sterling Price, Quantrill, Bill Anderson and the like.