I possess a copy of letter from the Cooke-Barker letters, Swem Library. It is dated 11 Feb 1853, to wit:
Dear Sir Rappak [Rappahannock] Academy
February 11th 1853
I have been wanting to write you a few lines ever since I have been here though I have not done so on account of being so neglectful. Though I will try and write you a few lines now as I have the opportunity of doing so. Though I have not much to say for this is a very dry place for news. I have been looking for a letter from home for nearly two weeks. I suppose you have heard of Mr Butlers breaking and one of our teachers leaving. I wrote to Mr Flournoy the other day to see mama and let us go home somewhere else the first of march to school.
William received a letter from John yesterday morning saying that all were well tell mama that I reckon the reason why she don’t don’t write is that she has forgotten me. We are well and I hope that this may find you the same. Give my best love to all of the girls, and all of the home folks. And I will remain your sincere friend E.J.C.
Would like to find out who "EJC" might have been. (Truthfully, the E & J are clear; The C is adjacent to a ripped part of the letter.)
Mr Butler & Mr Flournoy appear to have been instructors or perhaps in command?
It also appears that "William" is at the Academy with EJ; brothers?
Jim Cooke