Re: VA Military Academies
Dr. Massy, I am looking for information on my great great grandfather's half brother, Henry Clay Rowe, who enlisted in the 9th Virginia Cavalry, Co. B, on 10 Mar 1863 at Bowling Green. He was born in 1844 to Thomas and Ann Conway Rowe. I have not found him on the 1860 census, living with his widowed mother or anyone else, and wonder if he could have been at R.M.A. at this time. Could you check to see if he was on the list of students? What was the age range of the students there? Also, do you know anything about the Caroline Light Artillery and their officers. My gr. gr. grandfather Clack Rowe enlisted in the Caroline Light Artillery under his cousin Thomas Rowe Thornton. I have a copy of a letter written by Clack requesting furlough, dated 5 July 1864, written from camp outside Richmond and addressed to Maj. Thos. Chestney. In the letter he describes the condition of his wife and children who live in the vicinity of Spotsylvania Courthouse and the devastation of the area. With the letter are notes written by Capt. Thornton, Lt. Col. Pemberton, and Lt. Gen Ewell. the letter apparently went up the chain of command, and furlough was approved for 20 days even though Lt.Col. Pemberton was concerned about the danger of furlough at that time and possible capture. I have not found much information on Caroline Light Artillery or their officers, but know they were attached to Lightfoots Brigade and know something of Lt. gen Ewell. Could you reccommend a source for information on these officers and the Caroling Light Brigade? I would appreciate any information. Thanks, Judy