All of those plantations on the James River in that area were owned and built by the Tyler's, Harrison's, and Ruffins and their families. It is a rich area and quite beautiful. Sherwood Forrest, the home of President Tyler is still in the Tyler family. We do a reenactment there each spring. There is a fort right on the river called Fort Pocahontas. The Federals took control of the fort and garrisoned it with USCT. Fitzhugh Lee attacked it with 2500 cavalry in 1864. It's referred to as The Action at Wilson's Wharf. It's a cool place for a reenactment. A good number of black reenactors show up for it. We usually have a great after hours tactical there. Ya gotta watch out for them Yankees when they sneak around outside of the fort at night. We captured one of their captains this year. Funny thing....they didn't want him back. Last year all the cavalry guys gathered in the field in front of the fort and had a game of polo. With a beach ball and brooms. It was a hoot. It was shirts against jackets, with full gear. If you broke your broom you were out. Colonel Ferguson with the 1st Virginia Cav had a dispute with a member of the opposing team and after a spirited session of shouting at each other Joe pulled one his pistols, fired at guy and yelled "YOU'RE OUT!". We never laughed so hard in all our lives.