I note that you co-authored the short book on Reynolds, "Soldier of Misfortune." Of particular interest is, how is it, you and the two other authors from DC, NC and Arizona got together to write this book?
I am writing a history of the 43rd Tennessee, CSA which served in his brigade at Vicksburg.
Would be interested if you might have any other information on him.
By accident, ten years ago while driving to a cemetery in Philadelphia, we passed by St. James the Less Episcopal Church on a Sunday. I stopped and asked a parishioner if she knew were I could find a list of those buried there, she directed me to the Caretakers house to which I proceeded. I asked the Caretaker if he knew where Gen. Reynolds was buried. He said, just outside the Sacristy door. I exclaimed, he must be famous here if you knew exactly where he was. He said, No, I;ve been here 34 years, and know them all!
Kindest regards,
George Martin
Sparks, NV
Reynold’s Brigade
Reynolds, Alexander Welsch, born April 15, 1815 in Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., Virginia, graduated from West Point, 1838, married Mary Reeves Ash in Philadelphia March 19, 1840 with whom two children were born, Adjutant of Col. Jack Taylor’s regiment in Seminole War, Capt. and staff officer on the staff of Gen. Wool during the Mexican war, dismissed from the army October 8, 1855 for alledged discrepancies in his quartermaster accounts, reinstated with the rank of Captain in 1858, commissioned Captain in Confederate infantry March 16, 1861, commissioned Colonel of the 50th Vriginia July 1861 earning the nickname “Old Gauley,”, became Brigade Commander April 14, 1862, promoted Brigadier General September 14, 1863, 1870 joined the army of the Khedive of Egypt along with other former Union and Confederate officers, died at Alexandria, Egypt July 8, 1876, his burial place is unknown, however, a stone marker with his name is located at the St. James The Less Episcopal Church in Philadelphia alongside his wife’s, his son Frank was a West Point graduate, class of 1861, serving as Lt. Col. of the 39th Carolina, he also served in the Egyptian Army.
Addison, W. A., Adj. Gen. (Knoxville Register, 8/7/62)
Biggs, John M., Capt. A. C. S. , (31st Tenn.) (252)
Claiborne, William H., Capt., AADC, AAAG (194, p. ix)
Cox, W. B., Capt, Chief Commisary (252)
Lee, Frank, Capt., AAG, native of Elizabeth City Co., Va. (195, 252)
Mathews, J. Wm., A. A. Genl. (Knoxville Daily Register 11/3.1863)
McConnico, W. L., Capt., Q. M. (252)
McMahoon, W. J., Maj., Brig. Commissary (252)
Patton, William A. M., Lieut., A. D. C.,A. A. A. G., died during the war, Reynold’s nephew (Knoxville Register, 8/7/62, Soldier of Misfortune, p. 26, 252)
Phifer, C. W., Maj., A. I. G., native of Yallobusha Co., Miss. (195, 252)
Pierce,Thos., A. D. C. (Knoxville Register, 8/7/62)
Strick, Reverend, Brigade Chaplain [11/23/62] (Stamper, p. 13)
Tallly, John W., Brigade Ordnance Sgt., Co. F, received extra duty pay as Brigade Ordnance Sgt. from May 1 to August 12, 1863 at ¢25 per day of $215.50 (M268 Roll 291)
Toule, Brigade Surgeon [A. J. Waller, Co. D, pension request] See also Vaughn’s brigade
Toole, B. M. (S) p. 265 p. 463 p. 279, 31st TN Inf. [ Name S.H.S. Lindsley TN in CW. Adj. Gen. Prov. Army Stout Reg. Notes] []
The officers of my staff performed their duties faithfully and promptly. Major [C. W.] Phifer, my assistant inspector-general, Capt. W. H. Claiborne, my acting assistant adjutant-general, and Lieut. William A. M. Patton, my aide and acting [assistant] adjutant-general (OR 24/2, pp.109, 356)