Will Bowen
Companies C and L, Roddey's 4th AL Cav
Sun May 20 16:28:31 2001

I have been researching these companies and have been
stumped. I cannot find muster rolls for either. I have
checked with Alabama Archives and also the Roddey's 4th
web pages. Pension records place GGGrandfather Alexander
Smith Grisham in Co. C and I have assumed that GGGrandfather
John Manson Turner was in Co. L since he has a record in
1st Co. H, 1st Confederate Cav. Reg't. and that unit apparently later became Co. L of Roddey's 4th Cav. I may
be assuming too much. I can't find record of it. If anyone
has any news on these two companies, please respond.