alan pitts
Camp of Instruction
Wed Dec 20 15:31:35 2000

There were two camps of instruction in Alabama. We have microfilm on Camp Two at Talladega. It was called Camp Buckner and commanded by Major W. J. Walthall. Camp One was at Notasulga, commanded by Major E. S. Ready, and called Camp Watts. There is a microfilm entry for Ready's Battalion.
Drill instructors had commissions from the Provisional Army (P.A.C.S., usually as 2nd lieutenants. A few were 1st lieutenants; captains serving in this position were rare. Drill instructor service records are located in the microfilm for General & Staff Officers. I have identified several of these if anyone's interested.
I have transcripts of two letters written by a man assigned to camp at Talladga; he was clearly frightened by the idea of going to the front. Col. Inzer mentions the arrival of a group of men from Camp of Instruction being sent to his brigade on Missionary Ridge. Men from Talladega were sometimes sent after deserters with varying degrees of success. A battalion from Notasula went to Mobile in December 1864. The camp at Talladega was mentioned by David Evans in "Sherman's Horsemen: Union Cavalry Operations in the Atlanta Campaign" as part of his descripion of Rosseau's Raid. Another description of the camp is here:

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