If memory serves correctly the 118th NY was part of Burnhams Brigade in the 18th Corp at Drewrys Bluff.. On May 16th.. they were situated about in the Middle of the Federal Lines... occupying a vacant segment of the Confederate outer defense line from Drewrys Bluff... On the immediate left (west) side of the Richmond Turnpike. They had a tough time there as being hit head on by Bushrod Johnsons Tennessee Brigade (a fresh arrival from the AOT still carrying their AOT white moon flags) and beside them just up from South Carolina was Hagoods SC Brigade... They were pushed out of the defense lines and Hagoods troops took some artillery there... they reformed again to the rear and held on amist the hail storm of shot and shell... Hagoods casualties were fairly light early on because they reported the Federals opposing which were the 118th NY and 8th Conn in that segment of line were firing too high... they were more concerned about falling tree limbs than bullets.. yet once they closed in on the attack the range found its mark...
For reference.. the 8th Conn was in line on the turnpike itself and to the East side of it.. the 118th was on the left side. The outer defense entrenchments there have long since been smoothed over.. The location the 118th held is roughly at the intersection of Jeff Davis Highway (Rt.1 & 301) (then known as the Richmond Petersburg Turnpike) and Kingsland Road.