The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum

Re: Was a physical description really necessary?

Again it is back to the original question. Was a physical description of the only two female prisoners really necessary?

There were only 3 charastics which differed in even their appearent. One was 4 years older (if you could tell their age by looking at them), one was 3 inches taller (which is a matter of perspective if you don't have a yardstick), and one had Hazel, and one had blue eyes (the only feature which would at first glance seperate the two from each other if not standing side by side). Otherwise the description are the same and that is the difference with only two prisoners, and not 200 or 2,000.

So back to my original statement that the description were mearly a bureaucratic function and nothing more, having little practical use outside of filling out paperwork. It might have been of some value on a pass, or parole papers, or exchange. But again that is bureaucratic functionality.

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Was a physical description really necessary?
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Re: Was a physical description really necessary?
Re: Was a physical description really necessary?
Re: Was a physical description really necessary?
Re: Was a physical description really necessary?