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Re: Perish the thought...
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Yes, he's the man that "Homeland Security" just tried to deport, because he had "associated with terrorists". Apparently, none of these brilliant people had read the man's best-selling book. Pam, I believe it's the message in the book that is the problem for many of the progressives and secularists. He reveals what Hamas is all about, he sees Israel as the nation working for peace and he say "Jesus Christ" and his message is the answer to the problems in the Middle-East. I'm surprised he is still living Apparently, his only protection is his muslim father's unwillingness to disown him and a large evangelical church in California, where Christian brothers and sisters attempt shield him.

When I read this man's story, it gave me great new understanding of the realities in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and it reminded me of the redeeming power of God's word. It's like reading a modern-day story of Saul/Paul on the road to Damascus.

We need to elevate, embrace and support Mosab Hassan Yousef. I'm surprised there is not more on this story in the national news. Drudge doesn't even have a link.

There are articles at Fox News, Jerusalem Post, but all Homeland Security needed to do was read his book and make a few phone calls and they would have realized this is a heroic and special person.

Posted By Jonathan Hunt On June 30, 2010 @ 5:15 PM In Middle East | No Comments

Mosab Hassan was more shocked than anyone when a Department of Homeland Security official announced in immigration court today that government officials had changed their mind about him.

Yesterday they saw him as a "threat to U.S. national security." Today they say he's welcome to stay in the United States and become a citizen.

Why the change of heart? DHS officials won't say, but public pressure, Congressional support for Hassan and the word of an Israeli intelligence agent likely all played a part.

Mosab Hassan was born in the West Bank, the son of one of the leaders and founders of Hamas, the Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by the US.

In his early 20s, Hassan became disillusioned with Hamas, and ultimately became a spy for Shin Bet, the Israeli intelligence agency.

His handler, Gonen Ben Itzhak, told Fox News that Hassan saved American, Jewish and Palestinian lives. We aired our exclusive interview with Ben Itzhak on Tuesday. By Wednesday morning Homeland Security had changed its position on Mosab.

What is strange is that one would think the information we reported could have been found and corroborated by Homeland Security with a few phone calls to their Israeli counterparts. Instead they pursued a long and expensive legal case against a man who appears to be a hero, who appears to be committed to fighting terror. And a man who now promises to help the US fight the threats against it. Common sense it seems has finally prevailed among the bureaucrats of Homeland Security.


For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12 (New International Version)


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