Re: burial sites
Mr. Brickley and Ms. Linda: I did a little work on the 3 names you had questions on. A review of 2 files I have at home contained the names of the known men at Aberdeen and Macon. No luck. I did have a reference to my favorite unit the 31st Miss., "After the evacuation May 29 (of Corinth) were on guard at 20 mile creek until the sick and wounded had been carried past, after which they followed the Army to Tupelo." I went to Glenwood and thought it would be a good place to bury these men. It is on the first large ridge west of the RR, and just north of the 2 plus blocks that was Tupelo during the war. I did not see any unknown marked Confederate graves. At the Lee county library, in Tupelo, the introduction to Glenwood stated the land was purchased by Tupelo in 1871 and the first peron buried there was in 1872. Not what I had hoped for. In that book, I saw a lot of unknown and unmarked graves in the towns along the M & O, but none that I was not already aware of in Tupelo proper. Later that day, we traveled to Lauderdale Springs and to the mass grave in Meridian. I did not see these names either place. Thursday a.m., I visited with Grady Howell at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History. I hoped that he might give me some direction in our search . He had little to add but encouragement. He did make a comment that I thought amusing. To paraphrase, he said that when judgment day comes a lot of people will look around to see what is going on, some people would be looking around to see who was buried where. A lot of words to say I'm just like a beagle dog I once owned, hunted hard, but had no luck. I would like to see the map you have showing the Confederate buriel site. I know a couple of people in Tupelo that might give us some clues and I will talk to them. I will continue to look as time allows, but for now, I will share this paragraph from an old Confederate veteran's magazine. "Dr. J. L. Isaacs, Polytechnie College, Fort Worth, Tex.: "I send the names of several men who died in the hospital at Guntown, Miss., while I had brief charge there; and, owing to the great confusion at that time, I think it doubtful if their friends ever knew where they were buried. Even at this late date it might be of special interes to some to know of their last resting-place: Sampson Jones, Company I, Fouth Arkansas, died May 24: Jacob Keel, Company G, Fourth Arkansas, died May 25; Stephen Baker, Company K, Crump's Battalion, died May 10; Asbury Guthrie, Company I, Seventeenth Alabama, died May 11; J.H. Cox, Company D, Twenty-Eighth Alabama, died May 23; Eli Godwin, Company I, Twenty-Eighth Alabama, died May 29; A. Turner, Company B, Forty Eighth Tennessee, died May 30; A.A. Roberts, Company F. Forty-Eighth Tennessee, died May 15; Capt. E.W. Homer, Arkansas Volunteers.""