Zachariah Isbell had a son, Andrew Isbell, who was my ggrandfather. His dauhghter, Minnie Lee Isbell, was my grandmother. She died on new year's day in 1960, when I was only 9 yrs old, but I remember her well, Her son, Samuel Frank Morris was my father. Andrew was killed when a load of logs broke loose from a waqon and he was crushed, sometime early 1900's. My Dad had told me this story before he passed away in 2004. Zachariah was lost in Confederate prison camp in Richmond, VA and is buried there, I believe in Hollywood Cemetary. I hope to find his grave someday. I believe he was 28 yrs old and left behind a widow and 4 children, one of who was this Andrew. Since they remained loyal to the Union in the Uncivil War, they were likely severely persecuted for same by Confederates. Google Bethel Baptist Church in Jackson county, AL.
It has been a while since I researched this and I am writing this from memory. The Isbells in this line had migrated from the Watauga settlement which is now Elizabethton TN. There are a lot of stories about this Zachariah's father, also Zachariah, who is on a plaque on a boulder on the courthouse lawn in Elizabethton, listed as one of the "Immortal 13" founders of the State of Tennessee. I hope you already know that story. If not, you need to research it as we come from some good pioneer stock. Research King's Mountain and you will learn about the "Overmountain Men" if you don't already know about them.
I live in Peachtree City, GA and am an agent with State Farm Insurance.