" he participated in the battles of Franklin and Nashville. He was captured by Federals on November 24, 1863 at Chattanuga, Tennessee and served six weeks at City Point Prison. He was with General Joe Johnson at the time of surrender to Sherman."
Although his regiment participated in the battles of Franklin and Nashville (1864), Isaac B. Littleton was being held as a POW in the Rock Island Illinois prison camp from December 3, 1863 till March 20, 1865. He is noted on a March 28, 1865 muster roll of paroled & exchanged prisoners as "Present" at Camp Lee, near Richmond, VA.
The reference to "served six weeks at City Point Prison" in the quote above refers to the first time he was captured at Murfreesboro, TN on January 5, 1863. He was sent to the Camp Butler Illinois POW prison camp on March 11, 1863 and remained there until April 10, 1863 and then sent to City Point, VA to be exchanged.