I wasnt implying that. The reason I asked her to contact me is I will give her the decendants name, contact information etc. I have copies of all the photos he has of John Newman on my computer, but I won't send them to anyone without asking permission first. The man who owns the house and photos is not on the internet, but may have given permission for the others to post on Ancestry, etc.
Somewhere on the internet is a picture or two of the house, and some of the grave dedication we did for John T. Newman a few years ago.
And while on the subject of Gillsburg, I have submitted to MDAH for a historical marker for the skirmish of Grierson's Raid thru the county, (Battle of Wall's Bridge) in which 2 of Grierson's men were killed, and 1 mortally wounded, of the 4 he lost during the raid. I believe we have FINALLY pinpointed where the 2 privates are buried (Major Blackburn's body was sent for after the war) and have their names, so will be ordering headstones soon.