David S. White, Farmer, resident of Camden, Madison County, Mississippi, enlisted as a Private in Company C, 18th Mississippi Infantry March 21, 1862 at Canton, Miss. by Captain McKie for 2 years or the war, paid $50 bounty, transferred to Company H, n.d., sent to Richmond Hospital February 20, 1863 Chronic Diarrhoea, recorded as on sick/disability furlough for 60 days in Miss., May 22, 1863, received 4 months pay on January 22, 1864, still recorded absent on furlough through July 15, 1864, later recorded with the remarks: "Consumption unfit for duty," no further records
[There are no further company muster rolls, my guess is that he never returned to the regiment]
M269: Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers Who Served in Organizations from the State of Mississippi