As mentioned, this kind of information isn't always present anyway. Since the man in question would never have left his home county, it's highly doubtful he would have had the opportunity to die as a result of hostile action. Although the company roll states that the company reported to Daniel Ruggles, 1st Military District of Mississippi, it never appeared on a report with other military commands in that district.
The only roll on file lists three officers and thirty-five men, less than half the number required to form a volunteer company of Confederate cavalry. Note also that during the period in which the company was supposed to have been in service, Eli Abbott signed numerous sales receipts at Okolona, all without military rank. It's hard to imagine a military officer signing an official document without stating his proper rank. The same is true of 1st Lieut. A. C. Morton and 1st Sergt. Thomas B. Shearer. Shearer witnessed sale of property to a Confederate quartermaster as Justice of the Peace.