Sorry to say, there is no such list. Although military records of soldiers who enrolled during the Civil War are in better condition than most U.S. service files from WWII, they are far from complete. I've been researching Confederate service files for more years than I care to say, and have ancestors who disappeared during the war. They probably died in service, but where, when and how I can't answer. A substantial number of Confederate dead fall into this category.
Captain Abbott's Company was raised under a Confederate law allowing citizens to organize for local defense. They submitted a muster roll to the Confederate war department, but weren't required to report to any military authority or drill or actually render any military service. They were not paid, and did not draw uniforms, arms or equipment from Confederate quartermasters. In other words, members of Local Defense companies were Confederate soldiers in name only.
As you might expect, Capt. Abbott's company is not mentioned in the Official Records of the Civil War. You might ask, what purpose would organization of a Local Defense company serve? As best I can tell, purposes were two-fold. First, should a small (company-size or less) raiding party enter Chickasaw County, members of this company could assemble in town and offer some resistance. Resistance to anything larger would be futile. They might also be summoned to deal with armed deserters or a civil insurrection, such as the attack on Harpers Ferry in 1859. The second purpose was to offer formal protection for members should they be captured by Federal forces. Since on paper Capt. Abbott's company was recognized as a de jure military command, members could not be shot or hung as guerrillas.