This is nathan's family as I found it in the 1850 Marion Co. census.
In the Marion Co census I find this ---
9 237 238 Lott Martha 44 F 2,500 Ga
10 237 238 Owens Sarah A. 26 F Mis
11 237 238 Lott Cimon 19 M School Teacher Mis
12 237 238 Lott N. 13 M Mis X
13 237 238 Lott Thos. 6 M Mis X
14 237 238 Owens Lol. L. 2 M Mis
15 237 238 Owens Susan 9/12 F Mis
16 237 238 Berry Jas. 52 M Laborer Unknown
Nathan's father Solomon had died before this census was taken. I cannot find a William Lott in the 7th Regt., but do notice 2 "W" Lotts in the 7th Batt. could this be who you are looking for?