Smith (Robert A.) papers [manuscript]
Letters, dispatches, orders, reports, and court martial proceedings, chiefly of Robert A. Smith, colonel of the Tenth Regiment, Mississippi Infantry, C.S.A., during his services in Mississippi and Florida. Colonel Smith was killed at Munfordville, Kentucky, in September 1862 and was buried in Jackson, Mississippi, where a monument was erected to him in 1868.
Baker (T. Otis) papers, [manuscript].1861-1883
Military papers, diaries, correspondence, orders, financial papers, medical records and personal papers of Captain T. Otis Baker of Natchez, who served in Company A, Tenth Regiment of Mississippi Infantry, and was wounded at Shiloh and Atlanta.
Rietti (John C.) papers [manuscript]
The correspondence includes letters describing the attack of the Confederate ram, Arkansas, on Porter’s flotilla at Vicksburg, July, 1862; the Battle of Chickamauga; the Mississippi troops in Virginia campaigns; and the battle of Missionary Ridge. The papers include descriptions of the activities of the Tenth Mississippi Regiment, a tribute of respect to Rietti from the Gem Fire Company, and miscellaneous military and personal papers. The volumes are as follows: (1) Diary of William H. Hill, Company H, Thirteenth Mississippi Regiment, CSA. (2-3) Scrapbooks on the "Mississippi Rifles," Tenth Mississippi Regiment. (4) Scrapbook containing information on military organizations in Mississippi, an address of B. G. Humphreys at the reunion of the Thirteenth Mississippi Regiment, and the early history of the Jackson Fire Department. (5) Scrapbook of obituaries and marriage notices and additional information on "Mississippi Rifles." (6) Scrapbook of obituaries and marriage notices of Mississippians, 1870-1880.