George Martin
Sykes, Edward T. "A Cursory Sketch of General Bragg's Campaigns." Southern Hist Soc Papers
11 (1883): pp. 304-10, 466-74 and 490-97 & 12 (1884): 1-5 (16 photocopied pages). E483.7S76v11&12.
_____. "Chickamauga, a Reply to Major Sykes." Southern Hist Soc Papers 13 (1884): pp. 219-24
(3 photocopied pages). E483.7S76v13.
_____. "The Monument at Munfordville, Address of Major Sykes." Southern Hist Soc Papers
13 (1884): pp. 470-85 (8 photocopied pages). E483.7S76v13.
Warren, Richard. "Mississippi Rifles and Ben Bullard Rifles (Companies A and B), 10th Mississippi
Volunteer Infantry, 1861." Mil Collector & Historian (Summer 1997): pp. 86-87. Per.
Captain Edward T. Sykes, enlisted as a Private in Company E, later Captain of Company K
See also: A Brief Sketch of the Life of Rev. James K. P. Newton, Born September 26 th 1843, Died November 10 1898