The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

Re: L' Anguille Fight Aug.3 62
In Response To: L' Anguille Fight Aug.3 62 ()

Appears Perry Goodrich and W.W. Bill Bowers were able to escape by swimming their horses across the river. Perry got a ball thru the pants and his wife commented, " I told our folks that I supposed you were so poor in flesh that a good marksman might fire away all day at that part of your person without hitting you once." She also went on to say, " I do pity those who have lost friends and the poor fellows who are taken prisoner. I'm afraid they will be made to suffer everything but death for I know that such Blood Thirsty savages as those Rangers who hunted up and shot simply helpless men would stoop to every meanness even abusing prisoners of war. "

I had a grandfather that was one of those Blood Thirsty Savages with Johnson's Texas Spy Company that day on the L'Anguille. I do wonder if he may have shot that ball thru Perry's pants.

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L' Anguille Fight Aug.3 62
Re: L' Anguille Fight Aug.3 62
Re: L' Anguille Fight Aug.3 62