The Arkansas in the Civil War Message Board

4th Arkansas Cavalry (Union)

A few days ago, there was a query about the 4th Arkansas Cavalry, U.S. Volunteers, and some problems that some members of this regiment had in obtaining pensions. The first four companies of the this regiments had some irregularity in their organization -- they had enlisted for twelve months instead of the required three years, among other problems -- and were disbanded. Here are some statements about the situation. Hope this helps.


War Department, April 22, 1893.

It has this day been determined by this department from the records on file that the four incomplete companies of this regiment, mustered into service in 1863 to serve one year and the duly mustered recruits therefor were in the military service of the United States; that these companies were disbanded March 28, 1864, at Little Rock, Arkansas, and by this disbandment were mustered out of the service of the United States for the reason that their service was no longer required, and that the members of these companies and all one-year men of the regiment not previously separated from the service by death, discharge, desertion or otherwise, were mustered out of service at the time and place and for the reason stated, except men who previously or subsequently enlisted for three years with a date of enlistment covering the service rendered under their original enlistments. * * *


Headquarters Fourth Regiment Arkansas Cavalry,
Little Rock, Arkansas, June 8, 1865.
A. W. Bishop, Adjutant-General, State of Arkansas.

Sir—In reply to your communication of to-day requesting a history of this regiment I have the honor to state: The organization of the regiment was commenced under the direction of William M. Fishback in the month of November, 1863. The first battalion was mustered in for one year or during the war, but the muster was declared invalid by the Adjutant-General of the army, and in the month of December that battalion was disbanded, and the regiment commenced reorganizing as a three years’ organization. The regiment filled up quite rapidly until the disastrous expedition of General Steele in the month of March, 1864, which discouraged enlistments, and the organization of the regiment was not completed till December 29, 1864.* * *

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