Kevin Miller
The rain falls on the wicked as well as the good
Thu Jul 5 15:14:34 2001

I find it interesting how everything gets lumped into majorities and then "universal truths". My ancestors were active in their Baptist church and revered generals like Leonidas Polk. Because they were "in the minority" somehow their voice becomes less relevant. Just because someone does not attend or belong to a church it doesn't mean that they cannot be influenced by that philosophy. As the War progressed, religion became much more of an influence as evidenced by the great religous revivals that occurred in Southern and Northern Armies. Seems to me our ancestors, both North and South, knew the difference between right and wrong and those values were based upon Christian princibles.

War, by it's very nature will induce some folks to commit atrocities but it's up to the leadership to punish or encourage such actions.

Maybe if our Southern leaders had conducted the War like the Yankee policy makers it would have turned out differently. Thank God that they did not! What does it benefit a culture to gain a nation and lose it's soul.

For me, the most interesting part of the War for Southern Independence, is the contradictions and the exceptions. People are for the most part the same it's just the propaganda that's different.

Oh, by the way, I don't see the Battle hymn either.

Kevin Miller