Alan J. Pitts
Re: The rain falls on the wicked as well as the good
Fri Jul 6 08:31:23 2001

I appreciate your thoughts on the subject. Contrarian by nature, I tend to enjoy history most when it reveals something other than the expected. Then it becomes more pleasurable to relate to others. For instance, having opportunity to speak to a UDC gathering, I open by posing the question:

Your daughter comes home one day and announces she's in love and wants to marry a fine young man. He's just graduated at the top of his class at West Point, has a wonderful personality, strong Christian beliefs, and his father was a nationally acclaimed war hero. Oh, and he's very handsome, His name is Robert E. Lee.

What three reasons do you have to for your daughter NOT to marry this young man?

Then I explain that Mr. Custis did indeed object and tell his daughter that she could not marry this young man. She was persistent and eventually he gave in to her desires.

I tell you, gentlemen, THIS is entertainment!

By the way, I don't mean to start an anti-"Battle Flag of the Republic" club. It's just one of those things I prefer not to do.