Alan J. Pitts
Re: Nitre and Mining Bureau
Thu Jun 14 12:57:30 2001

Consider it 100% positive:

M-331 Compiled Service Records of Confederate General and Staff Officers and Nonregimental Enlisted Men, 1861-1865, 275 reels.

These records cover the officers and enlisted men who served the entire Confederacy as staff - general officers and personnel of corps, division, and brigade staffs, and Confederate military personnel of the departments of the
Adjutant and Inspector General, the Quartermaster General, the Commissary General, the Surgeon General, and the Ordnance bureau. The personnel of the Corps of Engineers, the Nitre and Mining Bureau, and the Signal Corps are not
included. The service records are arranged alphabetically regardless of rank.

Generally, these records do not include prior or later service in regiments or smaller units. Such service would be included in the service records of the units from a particular state.

Reel 111 -- Nitre and Mining Bureau, War Department, C.S.A.,
112 I--N
113 P--W
114 Sappers and Miners
115 L--Y