From Confederate Commissioner of Indian Affairs, David Hubbard of Alabama, to Cherokee Chief John Ross (with a copy to Confederate Brig.Gen. Ben McCulloch) regarding the importance of the Cherokee allying themselves with the Confederacy.


June 12, 1861

Principal Chief Cherokee Nation

Brig. Gen. BEN. McCULLOCH,
Cmdg. Troops of Confederate States, Fort Smith, Ark.:

SIR: As Commissioner of Indian Affairs of the Confederate States it was my intention to have called upon you and consulted as to the mutual interests of our people. Sickness has put it out of my power to travel, and those interests require immediate consideration, and therefore I have determined to write, and make what I think a plain statement of the case for your consideration, which I think stands thus: If we succeed in the South--succeed in this controversy, and I have no doubt of the fact, for we are daily gaining friends among the powers of Europe, and our people are arming with unanimity never seen in the world before--then your lands, your slaves, and your separate nationality are secured and made perpetual, and in addition nearly all your debts are in Southern bonds, and these we will also secure. If the North succeeds you will most certainly lose all. First your slaves they will take from you; that is one object of the war, to enable them to abolish slavery in such manner and at such time as they choose. Another, and perhaps the chief cause, is to get upon your rich lands and settle their squatters, who do not like to settle in slave States. They will settle upon your lands as fast as they choose, and the Northern people will force their Government to allow it. It is true they may volley people small reserves--they give chiefs pretty large ones--but they will settle among your, overshadow you, and totally destroy the power of your chiefs and your nationality, and then trade your people out of the residence of their lands. Go North among the once powerful tribes of that country and see if you can find Indians living and enjoying power and property and liberty as do your people and the neighboring tribes from the South. If you can, then say I am a liar, and the Northern States have been better to the Indian than the Southern States. If you are obliged to admit the truth of what I say, then join us and preserve your people, their slaves, their vast possession in lands, and their nationality.

Another consideration is your debts, annuities, &c., school funds due you. Nearly all are in bonds of Southern States and held by the Government at Washington, and these debts are nearly all forfeited already by the act of war made upon the States by that Government. These we will secure you beyond question if you join us. If you join the North they are forever forfeited, and you have no right to believe that the Northern people would vote to pay you this forfeited debt. Admit that there may be some danger take which side you may, I think the danger tenfold greater to the Cherokee people if they take sides against us than for us. Neutrality will scarcely be possible. As long as your people retain their national character your country cannot be abolitionized, and it is our interest therefore that you should hold your possession in perpetuity.

I have the honor to be, respectfully, &c., your obedient servant,

Commissioner of Indian Affairs.


Copyright ©2001 Ken Martin