Re: 42nd Btn. Va. Cav.
According to Holland's "24th Virginia Cavalry Regiment,"p.76, the 42nd Va. Cav. Bn. on 30 May "met the Federals at Mattada Queen [Matadequin] Creek. [W.T.] Robins' Battalion was no longer under Eppa Hutton. The unit now belonged to Colonel (soon to be Brigadier General) Martin W. Gary of South Carolina, who wrote of the engagement in the Official Records: 'The colonel commanding congratulates the 7th South Carolina Cavalry, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel A.C. Haskell, and the 42nd Battalion of Virginia Cavalry, commanded by Lt. Col. W.T. Robins, on the part by them taken in the action at Mattada Queen Creek on the 30th May....'"