Telegraphic news.
From the Rapidan — cavalry Fighting — Meade advancing.
Gordonsville, Sept. 22, 9 P. M.
--The enemy's cavalry, in strong force, occupied Madison Court-House last night.
Fighting took place nearly all day today at Jack's Shop. Nothing but cavalry engaged on both sides, our cavalry falling back to Liberty Mills.
One portion of the enemy's force has gone to our left and have reached Ruckersville. It is believed that it is their Intention to get to Charlottesville and destroy the Central Railroad between that point and this place.
Our loss is believed to be severe. Several of our wounded have reached here. We took about 100 of their sharpshooters.
The last reports say that the enemy has crossed the Rapidan with infantry and artillery, and we were gradually falling back. If so, the "big fight" will take place this week.