The Texas in the Civil War Message Board

Joseph K. Davisson - Anybody ever heard of him?

I am off on one of my quests for needles in Haystacks. J.K. Davisson was from Indiana, enlisted in the 24th Inf. from that state, and was a printer by trade. In July 1862, he was put to work editing a temporary union newspaper in Memphis, Tn, but was replaced a few weeks later. That apparently miffed him, and by that fall, he had deserted and I have found several communications between him and Van Dorn, effectively offering his services as a spy.

In November of 1863 he is in Tyler, sniffing out disloyalty, and is involved in the discovery of a plot between local unionists and prisoners at Camp Ford. There is some suggestion that he might have been somehow connected with the training camp aspects of Camp Ford, but that is conjecture.

He seems like a complete knave and scoundrel, and I am hitting dead ends on finding more about him.

Anyone out there ever run across any information on this individual?