The Texas in the Civil War Message Board

McReynolds; Clemons; Nash Iron Works, Marion C

Vicki Betts
I am thrilled to express my gratitude to you for preparing the web page that bears your name: "vBetts" in a web page address on my web page:
CAUTION: I tried to avoid the percent signs by going back to your basic web site, so maybe you should revisit this web page and do a little maintenance.
I was thrilled to find why J.R. Baylor used the moniker "Ladies' Rangers" on your web page cited above. This J.R. Baylor was a great friend of Bourland's and mentioned over 30 times in my book. By the way, he is mentioned four times in the OFFICIAL RECORD, but because of various spellings, this term "Ladies' Rangers" is difficult to find in a simple "search" of the OFFICIAL RECORD database.
Civil War-era researchers are indebted to you and your work. Again, we thank you.
P.S. By the way, I am scheduled to give a presentation in Tyler TX on May 9, 2009, a Saturday at 1:00 pm at the East Texas Genealogical Society Meeting in the Tyler Public Library.

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McReynolds; Clemons; Nash Iron Works, Marion Count
Re: McReynolds; Clemons; Nash Iron Works, Marion C
McReynolds; Clemons; Nash Iron Works, Marion C