The Civil War News & Views Open Discussion Forum

January 19, 2012

On this date 150 years ago, Rebels were defeated at Mill Springs, Kentucky, by Northern soldiers in a battle that claimed 39 Union lives, wounded 207 and totalled 15 Federals captured. The Southern forces had 125 killed, 309 wounded and 99 missing. Due to General Zollicoffer's poor stategy, the rebels were obliged to retreat across the Cumberland River when Union General Thomas' men forced them to fall back. Zollicoffer was killed in the battle; Crittenden, as senior officer, was castigated for having lost control of the positioning of his troops. This exchange was perhaps most significant because the rebel defeat meant a gap in the Confederate line of defence in the Tennessee-Kentucky area. This clash proved invaluable to the North as it enabled the capture of 10 cannon, 100 wagons, and over 1000 horses, as well as a large number of boats, provisions and munitions.