The Mississippi in the Civil War Message Board


Dear Friends'
Can you give me information on this fellow.
The name Walthal may be the problem, it may be spelled many ways,
I am particualarly interested inwhere he is buried.
Sam P

The Old Post Files - Monday, May 14th, 1939

= 40 years ago (1899) Major W T Walthall, distinguished citizen, passes away here on the 15th,
aged 79 years,
Deceased has been married twice and leaves Ten Children,
Deceased was born in Chesterfield, Virginia
He spent his last Ten years in Vicksburg. At the outset of the Civil War he was a resident of Mobile,
Alabama, and organized the Southern Foresters, being chosen Captain of this Company. Later he was
transferred to the Assistant General Adjutant’s office at Richmond, where he remained a few months,
being then commissioned as Major and placed in Charge of Camp Buckner at Tallaega, Alabama.
After the War he lived for a time in Memphis and afterwards was appointed by President Grover Cleveland
as Consul in British Guiana, South America, where he remained until 1891, when he removed to Vicksburg.
Funeral services will be held at Christ Church (Christ Church is located in Vicksbug.)