The Mississippi in the Civil War Message Board

The great war

Request a change to the name of the message board to Mississippi in the Great War

The Great War to Prevent Southern Independence

A Resolution

WHEREAS, a great war occurred between two independent nations on the North American continent between the years 1861-1865, and

WHEREAS, the United States of America initiated this great war by invading the newly formed Confederate States of America, and

WHEREAS, this great war has since been known by many different names which do not adequately describe it true purpose, and

WHEREAS, the most common name for this war is known universally world-wide as the "American Civil War," or "Civil War," and

WHEREAS. the Confederate States of America had no intention of seizing control of the United States government, it therefore by definition could not be a civil war, and

WHEREAS, another common name for this war is "The War Between the States," and

WHEREAS, this war was not fought between individual states but between two independent nations, and

WHEREAS, another common name for this war is "The War of Rebellion," but there was no rebellion, since the United States Constitution provides for a legal and peace succession from the government of the United States, and

WHEREAS, there are many other names given to this great war that took the lives of over 650,000 soldiers, sailors and civilians and millions of dollars of property destruction between the two independent nations, and

WHEREAS, to simplify the name of this great war for the history books and to properly describe its true purpose by the invading United States military, it shall be referred to as "The Great War to Prevent Southern Independence," with an acceptable shorten name as "The Great War, 1861-1865,"

NOW, BE IT RESOLVED, that the membership of the LTG John C. Pemberton Camp 1354 will only recognize "The Great War to Prevent Southern Independence," or "The Great War, 1861-1865," to describe the great war between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the LTG John C. Pemberton camp membership will encourage the entire Confederation, authors, historians, teachers and the news media to use this more appropriate title of "The Great War to Prevent Southern Independence."

WITNESS, the signatures of the undersigned, the duly elected Camp Commander and Adjutant of the LTG John C. Pemberton, SCV Camp #1354, Vicksburg, Mississippi, who both represent that this resolution was duly adopted on the First day of September 2015 by a majority vote of those present at this their regular monthly meeting.

This resolution will be distributed to the:
LTG John C. Pemberton Camp 1354 archives
The SCV - Mississippi Division,
The SCV International Headquarters
and distributed in other manners as desired.