The Mississippi in the Civil War Message Board

Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh

Also, looking for more information on William Smith who was wounded in the Battle of Shiloh and married to Martha Tate Smith. He is my ggg-grandfather. My family line is from his son, Thomas Gardner. Which child is your family line from? Thomas' son, James Wesley, moved to Wynne, Cross, Arkansas, where he raised a big family. That's were I am from and the Arkansas family is very big. I currently live in Rockford, Il.

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Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
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Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh
Re: Itawamba Cty soldiers at Shiloh