I think I have located the location of the two gun battery that gave General Sherman's forces fits during the siege of Jackson right after Vicksburg fell. The area is located north of the old Capitol building on a hill now occupied by apartment buildings. The intersection of Bellevue Place and Terrace Court seems to be the closest to the spot. The guns were described as 6 inch rifles by one witness and as 32-pounder rifled guns by an Union ordnance officer. After the Confederates evacuated Jackson, the guns were taken in place by Sherman's men, the gun carriages burned and the trunions removed to make them useless. Then Sherman stated they were thrown into the Pearl River. The closest the Pearl River came to this location is now an ox bow lake or an old river run surrounded by an apartment complex at the end of Fortification Street. Also I located the location of another battery of many field guns called the "Cotton Battery" by the Union forces. This battery was located on or near the grounds of Baptist Hospital Complex. Anyone have better information?
David Upton