May 9, Seddon to Johnston:
Proceed to Mississippi.
May 9, Johnston to Seddon:
I leave immediately, though unfit for field duty.
May 12, Seddon to Johnston:
I have sent you 5,000 reinforcement with 4,000 more on the way.
May 13, Johnston to Seddon:
I am too late.
May 16, Johnston to Seddon:
I am at Calhoun Station [basically, Gluckstadt]. Pemberton is off on a wild goose chase. My
goal is to unite all the troops. [Davis returns this note to Seddon,
demanding to know why Johnston has not attempted to effect a junction].
[Pemberton is defeated on this day at Champion Hill]
May 17, Johnston to Cooper:
I just starting to move west to join Pemberton. It is important that
John Adams' promotion be confirmed.
[why does he suddenly begin writing Cooper instead of Seddon?]
May 18, Johnston to Cooper [again, to Cooper]:
Pemberton is defeated and has withdrawn into Vicksburg.