Following information developed through research that included family descendants, and indicates the correct middle name for Elias J. Marett (aka Maret) was "Jackson" instead of Jefferson" as you stated:
18. ELIAS JACKSON [#2]4 MARETT (BENJAMIN WEST3 MARETT/MARET, STEPHEN*2 MARET, BENJAMIN1) was born 03 Mar 1834 in [or 07 Mar?] Fair Play, Pickens District, South Carolina, and died 09 Oct 1917 in [or 10 Oct?] Potts Camp, Marshall Co, Mississippi. He married (1) CORNELIA MANLEY "KATE" [#1] FOWLER 24 Dec 1867. She was born 1843, and died 08 May 1869 in Marshall Co, Mississippi ["The young wife died the day she gave birth to their only child." - Carol Van Cleef, email 08 Apr 2006]. He married (2) AMERICA ANN [#2] JONES 05 Dec 1870 in [or 24 Dec 1867]. She was born 1839 in Mississippi.
Source: RES research, et al
"I don't think the letters that will be of interest to you are very numerous... maybe 6 I know of off the top of my head, and that is only because they came from boys in the war, not because they have any special information...
"His service records were sent to me by Stacey Brannon Barkwill [Stacy BRANNON BARKWILL, descendant of Elias' sister, Nancy Elizabeth MARETT - BRANNON - JONES, Location: 6809 Monlaco Street, Long Beach, CA 90808 email as of 2001:] They show that Elias mustered in at Grenada Mississippi on Oct 27, 1861 as a 1st Lt. aged 27 years, Capt. Francis A. Wolff's Company, Mississippi Volunteers, 3rd Battalion. By May/June 1862 he signed the roll as commanding the company. On Jan 1, 1863 Elias was wounded in the chest and captured at the battle of Murfreesboro, specifically at Stone River, TN."
Source: Carol Van Cleef, descendant, email dated 08 Apr 2006
From CSR's, if not yet received:
Prisoner of War roll, Dept. of the Cumberland. "To what point forwarded: Nashville, Apl 17, 62 [should this read '1863' after his capture?] Remarks: Louisville May 26."
[Cannot read leftmost portion of several forms due to placement of record in photocopier] (at the top:) E.J. Marett, Capt. Co. F, 45 Reg Miss Inf. / Register [Con]taining Rosters of Commissioned Officers, Provisional Army Confederate States. [Dat]e of appointment: Nov 15, 1862.
"Appears on a list of Killed, wounded and missing in Cleburne's Division, Hardee's Corps, ---T. [AOT - Army of Tennesse], in the battle of Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1862. List dated Jan. 16, 1863. Remarks: Wounded severely in breast and arm."
"Appears on a list of wounded Confederate prisoners in Hospital No. 1, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., April 3, 1863. Where quartered: Mr. J. J. Lowings (?)" [Were the injured prisoners quartered in the homes of private citizens? ~carol]
"...Prison, Louisville, Ky/ ---ved: May 26, 1863/ [Ch]arged: July 1, 1863/ [C]harges, &c: Johnsons Island.
Appears on a Roll of Prisoners of War paroled and forwarded June 8, 1863, from Louisville, Kentucky, to Baltimore, Md., en route for exchange. Remarks: Sick not able to go.
"Remarks: Sent to Sandusky Depot [Ohio], July 1, 1863."
Roll of Prisoners of War, Depot Prisoners of War, near Sandusky, Ohio. ---ned: July 2, 1863. Where from: Louisville, Ky. [Re]marks: Transfered to City Point, Feby 24, 1865. [another entry says: he was part of a group paroled at Johnson's Island and forwarded to City Point, Virginia for exchanges on Feb 24, 1865.
Source: Carol Van Cleef, descendant
At the age of 27, on October 27, 186- [1861], Elias Jackson Marett signed up in the Confederate Army at Grenada, Mississippi. He was assigned as a 1st Leutenant to the 33rd Regiment [sic - at this time it was known as the 3rd Battalion Missisippi Infantry], Company F, of the Mississippi Volunteer Infantry, under the command of Capt. Francis A. Wolff.*
* [RES note: By about Nov. 1861, this company became Company F, 3rd Battalion (Miss. Inf.) which was formed from 7 unattatched companies. Additional companies enlarged it to a regiment in April 1862 and it was designated the 33rd Regiment (Miss. Inf.) When 2 of these additional companies (from Alabama) reformed on their own behalf, the 33rd Regiment [sic - it was re-designated the 45th Regiment Mississippi Infantry by this time] was ordered on April 9, 1864, to reassume its previous designation of 3rd Battalion of the Mississippi Infantry.]
[Awarded] The Southern Cross of Honor [RES note: from the Edward Cary Walthall Chapter of the UDC in Holly Springs, MS.]
Source: Bobby J. Mitchell, Holly Springs MS
"... He was an officer in the Civil War, was wounded and then captured. ...He later settled in
Tuppah [sic - Tippah] County, MS and raised a family. Elias was a farmer, Justice of the Peace and finally a lawyer. From the letters, his sisters valued his opinion highly. They often contacted him for advice."
Source: Charlotte Kochert, descendant
From an article about the Marett family reunion at Beaverdam Baptist Church, Fairplay, SC
Article from August 17, 1915 (Volume 7 Number 5) ed. of the Tugaloo Tribune, Westminster S. C. (Contributed by Sheila Casper and Karen Mulder)
Paragraph 6 ...and then Mr. Elias Jackson Marett, of Mississippi was introduced. He spoke one hour and a half, telling of the recollections of the Fair Play neighborhood and its people who lived there sixty years ago. Rising to speak, Mr. Marett said it was one of the most pleasurable moments of his life to stand in Beaverdam church and speak on such an occasion. He was thrilled with joy and happiness to be permitted to speak at the place he regarded as sacred ground after such a long absence. Mr. Marett is 81 years old. In 1852--63 years ago--he left Fair Play with his father, Benjamin Marett, and moved to Texas. Later he settled in Tipper [Tippah] county, Miss., where he has been surveying and practicing law. At the time he lived in Fair Play he knew all the settlers for miles around and he named them all and their children in his speech Friday. Our townsman, Mr. S. H. Marett, is the only living person who was living in the neighborhood then. The speaker had Squire to sit near him to vouch for what he said. Among the names of the first settlers of Fair Play, as told by Mr. Marett, we mention a few: Hollands, Striblings, Maxwells, Moss, Isbels, Simpsons, Jollys, Maretts, McCants, Harbins, [?Coles?], Reeders, Messers, Bartons, Shelors, etc., etc. The speaker named the early teachers and preachers of the vicinity-It did not take so long for a person to become a teacher then as it does now. He said the first school he attended at Beaverdam was taught by a man named Williams. Mr. Marett is well informed, and his speech was listened to with rapt attention, not only by the members of the family, but by the visitors as well.
Source: Marett Family Website, created by Trish Jones, viewed Sept. 2004
Burial: Aft. 09 Oct 1917, Cornersville Cemetery, Marshall Co, Mississippi
Comment: Aug 1915, Need to identify on Squire H. Marett, Beaverdam, Fair PLay, South Carolina
[Migration: “In 1852 he left Fair Play with his father, Benjamin Marett, and moved to Texas.” Source: Article from August 17, 1915 (Volume 7 Number 5) ed. of the Tugaloo Tribune, Westminster S. C. (Contributed by Sheila Casper and Karen Mulder); see above]
Migration: Bef. 1861 [RES note: bef. Jun 1860; 1860 census in Tippah Co, MS], Removed to Mississippi [from Texas] prior to the Civil War.
Occupation: Surveying and practicing law in Tippah Co, Mississippi.
Residence: 14 Jul 1866, of Mississippi
Burial: Aft. 08 May 1869, Bethlehem Methodist Cemetery, Marshall Co, Mississippi
i. CORNELIA BELLE "KATIE"5 MARETT, b. 08 May 1869; d. 1946; m. JOHN BENJAMIN BECK; b. 1862; d. 1950.
Burial: 1946, Hillcrest Cemetery, Holly Springs, Marshall Co, Mississippi
Burial: 1950, Hillcrest Cemetery, Holly Springs, Marshall Co, Mississippi.
ii. SAMUEL DALE5 MARETT, b. ca 1876, Mississippi.
iii. KENT KANE MARETT, b. ca 1876, Mississippi.
Source: Carol Van Cleef, descendant
My several years of research has located numerous unpublished sources and the information garnered is for publication on the 32nd & 45th Miss. regimental histories and the Wood's-Lowrey brigades, after I found and purchased the 32nd & 45th Miss. (Consolidated) previously unknown regimental banner in Wichita, Kansas in June 2002. The consolidated regiment's flag was originally issued around early March 1864 while they were in winter quarters near Dalton, Georgia.
Hope you find this a helpful and informative response to your posting on MSCWMB.
Best regards.
Robert E. "Rob" Swinson
Civil War Researcher and Historian
32nd & 45th Mississippi (Consolidated), et al
47 page Abstract by RES: Wood's-Lowrey's Brigade Overview