Friends, Private Vincent W. Wilson was a member of Company E of the 10th Mississippi Infantry. For whatever reason he had been transferred to the Mississippi regiment from Clack's 3rd Tennessee Infantry earier in the War. Private Wilson's CMSR shows nothing of his death but does say that he was a seward or hospital attendant at the Hood Hospital in Cuthbert, GA.,in 1864. The doctor at the Hood Hospital in late 1864 or early 65 (going by memory) did mention his death while serving at the hospital and was buried at the Greenwood Cemetery in Cuthbert. At one time he had a wooden grave marker and by the early 1900's his name could NOT be read and was marked with a stone as unknown Confederate Soldier. Thanks to Dr. STOUT's medical records and of a newspaper article that appeared in a Georgia newspaper in 1866 that listed his name as being buried there we can now say the Vicent W. Wilson's body now rest under the unknown Confederate marker. It may be difficult in getting Wilson's stone from the government as they go by his CMSR and NOT any other source. We will do our best.