In 1860 Marion Hollingsworth was age 13, living in Pickens County, Ala. On Feb. 17, 1864, the Confederate Congress passed a new military law calling seventeen-year olds into service as Junior Reserves. Obviously Hollingsworth was eligible and joined the 2nd Alabama Junior Reserves. He was assigned to Company "I" which organized at Blakely, Ala, Sept. 17, 1864. Company officers were from the University of Alabama, class of 1864.
Officers and men were overun and captured at Blakeley, Ala., April 9, 1865. Those not killed (or murdered after surrendering) were sent to Ship Island in the Gulf of Mexico. Prisoners were sent to New Orleans, La., Apr. 28, 1865 and forwarded to Vicksburg, Miss., for exchange at Camp Townsend on the Big Black River, May 6, 1865.
Afterwards many of the junior reserves reported at Meridian MS in time to be paroled there.
Hollingsworth applied for a pension from the State of Alabama. Evidently he lived in Alabama for most if not all of his life. Copies of both his service file and pension application are available here.