I'm having trouble comint up with a Grosby in Pemiscot County, any chance it Gayoso?
Gayoso (Historical)
Gayoso was the county seat of Pemiscot County until 1899 when it was moved to Caruthersville because of flooding.
Located northeast of Hayti near the intersection of CR 337 and CR 338
Latitude & Longitude: 36°15'22" N, 89°42'18" W
Survey: T. 19 N., R. 12 E., Sec. 25
Elevation: 272
Civil township: Concord
USGS Quad: Stanley (Benchmark shown)
Founded: Apr. 23, 1851
Maps: 1866, 1869 (Gayosa), 1872 (Shows Gayoso and Gayoso Landing), 1878 (Shows Gayoso in big letters), 1886, 1895 McNally, 1897 Galbraith (Gayoso still shown as county seat), 1904 McNally (No longer county seat), 1912, 1918, and 1944
Source: Goodspeed (p. 476)