I think all of the above are possibilities, I just want to see if I can nail it down now that it was brought to my attention quite by accident. If this diary exists then it should be put someplace to officially archive it or at least get a good scanned image of it and get it transcribed, on the other hand it may be full of "it rained today and I made soap and I don't know where my man is..." If thats the case so be it, it doens't make it any less fun trying to find it :>)! Jim McGhee has already reminded me to send a copy if I get it, I won't leave you out either. What I really want to know is how can a guy who was well known and popular enough to get elected as a Capt in the MSG in 61 just disappear for 21/2 years. No doubt he was of military age and its a bit unusual to find that level of involvment in the MSG without some further service in CSA or partisan bands showing up somewhere.