The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

QSCR / Benton Co. Hist. Soc. UPDATE!

Friday, October 26, 2012

NEW Developments between the QSCR / GPL & BCHS!!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is late breaking and developing news regarding the QSCR collection, it's current housing at the Gentry Public Library and the Benton County Historical Society! A NEW agreement has been reached between myself and the Gentry Public Library to remove the collection from the GPL and house it at the Benton County Historical Society. The GPL has voiced themselves to me that, to get the maximum use for the educational purposes the QSCR was built for, they feel it should be centered at the BCHS and that the close vicinity of the Pea Ridge battlefield to the BCHS will help it's popularity and educational reach. Plus, they share in my concern to build an entirely new collection after all of the financial and material donations that were already made by so many individuals and organizations!
I am grateful to the GPL in seeing my vision for the subject and thank them tremendously for their time and efforts to house the QSCR originally!

Right now, the QSCR will be on hiatus until I can get to it and oversee it's movement and rehousing at the BCHS! The timeframe is uncertain as to when we will reopen the collection in Bentonville.

Research is still ongoing as to the Kansas-Missouri border wars, the guerrillas and northwest Arkansas. That will continue and I will work very hard to get the QSCR back on the shelves!

Thank you, everyone, for your patience and support!

Well see you in BENTONVILLE, ARKANSAS in 2013!!!