The Missouri in the Civil War Message Board

3rd MO Cav. - location ~ Nov. 15, 1864....??

Hello -

the recent postings re the 3rd Missouri Cavalry reminded me of another puzzle involving that unit.

My gg-gf Alfred L. Simmons was apparently a member of the 3rd Missouri Cavalry (Co. K) after enlisting in Pocahontas, Randolph County, Arkansas.

Family records assert that he died November 15, 1864 (place unknown).

Could someone please provide some input re just where the 3rd Missouri Cavalry might have been at this time? I assume this was sometime near the end of Price's 1864 Raid, so am guessing the unit might have been in/near Kansas, NW Arkansas, Indian Territory, or even NE Texas (Clarksville area?) around that date.....???


Kenneth Byrd

Messages In This Thread

3rd MO Cav. puzzle solved....thanks Jim!!!!!!!!!!
Re: 3rd MO Cav. puzzle solved....thanks Jim!!!!!!!
your book is an INSTANT classic..!!!!
Re: your book is an INSTANT classic..!!!!
3rd MO Cav. - location ~ Nov. 15, 1864....??
Re: 3rd MO Cav. - location ~ Nov. 15, 1864....??
3rd MO Cav. - location ~ Nov. 15, 1864....??
Re: 3rd MO Cav. - location ~ Nov. 15, 1864....??
Re: 3rd MO Cav. - SIMMONS not Byrd...
Re: 3rd MO Cav. puzzle solved....thanks Jim!!!!!!!
Re: 3rd MO Cav. puzzle solved....thanks Jim!!!!!!!
William Bailey in Co. B, Fristoe's MO Cav...
Yup, that's my g3-uncle in Fristoe's...
William W. Bailey in 27th Ark. Inf.....???